
e shtunë, 9 qershor 2007

How To Recruit Network Marketers

A problem network marketers have is the tendency to oversell the network marketing opportunity. Such high pressure sales tactics, though possibily effective, is not duplicable by everyone on the team. Other members will use their own methods, and when this happens, duplication does not necessarily occur, because of the human factor at play.

One way to ensure duplication is to write a guide book that belongs to the team. Everyone follows the same manual and acts in a similar fashion.

By having everyone on the same page, this ensures that everyone is on the same tempo and frequency and sells the business opportunity with the same method. One company I know uses the ABC method, and preliminary background of the prospect is necessary before hand in order to best present the biz op to him. In this case, A is the presenter, B is the introducing party, and C is the customer.

A second way is to build a website that is able to accept payment via credit cards.

All selling is done online and through the internet. With the internet overtaking the world and online credit card transactions becoming more acceptable..people are comfortable to join network marketing companies online. The good thing about this is that there is less coordination needed between various networkers. All selling is automated.

A third way is to not sell the business opportunity. Yes you heard right. Do not sell the business opportunity. Instead focus on selling the product.

When people start using the product and like what they have, they will be convinced enough because they know the company is not based solely on recruitment but a quality product they can sell and make money from. One network marketer i know, only focused selling his products online and made $500,000 worth in sales.

Lastly, once you're able to sell the products well, people will be drawn to you when you tell them you can give them the exact blue print and tactics you use to command such high volume turnover. By focusing on the product rather then recruitment, this concept will draw people to join under you to learn how to make money from sale of products.

By following these ideas, you will have a less stressful time building your network marketing business. Any of the points can ensure a rejection free network marketing experience. When I used point number 2, I personally brought 20 people into my network marketing business in 2 weeks.

If you could take your network marketing business to another level, by making it easier for not only you but the rest of your team, and quickly grow your business by leaps and bounds through the power of duplication via the internet, would you implement it? Because i'm a fan of the internet, I encourage you to bring your Network Marketing business online and harness the power of the Internet.

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